Source: myfabulousfoods.blogspot.com
The good: very low in Saturated Fat, good source of Vitamin E, Thiamin, Vitamin B12, Iron, Magnesium and Phosphorus, and a very good source of Protein, Vitamin K, Pantothenic Acid and Selenium.
The bad: This food is high in Sodium (301mg/100g), and very high in Cholesterol (85mg/100g).
Source: http://nutritiondata.self.com/facts
Bird's Nest

The book (Evaluate Bird's Nest) written by a biochemist has also proven that protein contained in bird's nest have some bioactive elements which might have nourishing and replenishing effects on humans body.
The experts conclude that bird's nest has three main functions:
1.Enhances the rebirth of cells and tissues.
2.Improves the immune system functions of our body
3.Improves the body's tolerance toward the damage done by X-rays or other radioactive reagents.
Source: http://www.naturalnest.com/content/view/15/6/lang,en/
Talking about bird's nest, I'm going to drink some now! =)