Number 1: Soft drinks
Soft drinks are actually 'liquid candy'. Consuming soft drinks contributes to empty calories as these drinks do not contain any nutrients that are good for our body. They contain high fructose corn syrup as such, over-indulgence in soft drinks has the potential to promote obesity which in turn increases the risks of other chronic diseases.
Number 2: Donuts

Donuts are high in fats and calories (300 kcal and 19g fats per donut). Admit it, it's hard to stop at a donut =p Hence, people tend to consume more than 1 donut at a time. After which, one might experience a 'sugar high', but the effects will wear off quickly, causing lethargy.Number 3: French fries

French fries contain acrylamide, which is a known carcinogen. In a test conducted by the Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) in the USA, the amount of acrylamide found in a large order of fast food fries was at least 300 times the legal amount allowed by the Environmental Protection Agency in a glass of water! Moreover, french fries also contain trans fat, which is a kind of fat that is linked to increased levels of LDL (a type of bad choloesterol).
The bottomline is:
Be mindful when consuming these foods. Indulging in them once in a while is alright; consuming any of these foods three times a week is not acceptable (if you care about your health). For fast-food lovers, when you order a meal consisting of a burger, fries and coke, you have taken 3 of the top 10 worst foods to take (Burger is number 7 on the list).
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